
Chapter 5

Thermochemistry is the study of heat and its relation to chemical reactions.

Thermochemistry Vocabulary

exothermic: a change that releases heat (i.e. combustion reactions)

endothermic: a change that absorbs heat (i.e. icy-hot or a cold pack)

enthalpy (H): sum of internal energy

Change of enthalpy (ΔH): final enthalpy minus initial enthalpy. Note that changes in enthalpy are additive; which is known as Hess's law.

Heat (q): the thermal energy that is transferred from one object to another. When pressure is constant, heat and change in enthalpy are equal.

Important Equations

m is the mass, C is the specific heat, and ΔT is the change in temperature

Problem Solving with Enthalpy (~3 min)

A Commone Hess's Law Question (3:10)

Calorimetry Examples (4:13)

Math Resources 

Below are some potentially useful math resources for this chapter. Click on the names of the sections to view the resources.