Navigating a STEM Course

This page will contain resources for approaching a course, from finding things on the course page to doing homework, office hours, and tutoring.

How to Read a Syllabus (3:53) 

Moodle Tips

How to approach homework

Homework Advice for STEM

STEM Study Tips

The Study Cycle from Teach Students How to Learn by Saundra McQuire

Intense Study Sessions from Teach Students How to Learn by Saundra McQuire

Educational psychology research suggests that students should aim for 1-3 intense study sessions per day.

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning

Adapted from the University of Florida's Center for Instructional Technology and Training. You should think about what thinking skills will be required of you for a given assessment. Most of your major assessments will be at or above the applying (green) level of the pyramid. Use this to create your own questions while studying and test yourself.